What I read this month

Not a ton read this month.

It’s almost like everything to do with home renovations takes up a lot of your time? Or something?


And what I did try to read was a bit of a swing and a miss, to my tastes. So it goes.


Started and stopped
The Land of Stories – Chris Colfer
The Zero Signal – Rick Wayne

The Map To Everywhere – Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis

I’m looking forward to The Map To Everywhere, which starts well written enough, and seems off-beat enough, that it’s engaging and has a lot of potential.

Fingers crossed.

I’ve got plenty to keep me reading through the summer, just on our shelves, let alone the other series my book-devouring daughter recommend. She’s neck-deep into the Warrior Cats universe, as just one example, which has series and spin-offs that would keep me reading for months at least.

So much to read, so slow goes the reading.