I realized a couple of months back that I had forgotten to post the books I had read for the month. I’d done the tracking and writing up of the list (the “hard part”, such as it is), I’d just forgotten to post it. And then I thought I probably should. But then didn’t. And then kept not, so finally just ended up letting it slide for the month.
But then, as bad things sometimes do, not posting it and not tracking it became the new norm. And now that it’s at the end of another month wherein I tracked nothing at all, it occurs to me that the lazy me–that dick–had been having his way for too long, and it was time to get back to the more involved me; the me who wants to do good things that’ll help myself later. After all, the lists were as much for my own information and reference as for letting people know what I’d read. After all, how can I know how many books I read this year if I don’t keep track of them? How can I effectively look back at what I’ve read and recommend books to friends and family and all you lovely people? (Link to multiple suggested reading posts)
Stopping the posts was dumb. There’s no way to really dance around that fact. But as we should all do, I’m admitting the mistake and shall remedy it immediately.
But even armed with that new conviction, in the way that laziness sometimes does, the problems of my not tracking my book read (or started and stopped) made me realize that… well… I didn’t know what the hell I’d read (link to bad memory post?)
I did some noodling on it over the day and think I’ve come up with everything that I’ve read over the last couple of months. It’s not a ton of stuff–I’m happy to say that a recent, hush-hush writing opportunity has taken up a lot of my available evening time, and I was chipping away at a tome (link to previous post)–but it’s better than nothing and will at least give me something closer to an accurate (if not complete) total of books read at the end of the year. Better that than having only 3/4 of the year’s worth of books tracked, which wouldn’t help.
So I’m picking up the ball I dropped and getting back to tracking what I’ve read.