Old dog, new tricks: Stop motion videos

I’ve occasionally wondered if there are apps to help create stop motion video. Today it hit me again, and this time, rather than allowing my brain to get distracted with something else (as happens an embarrassingly huge amount of the time), I actually sought out such a beastie.

Not surprisingly, there were quite a number of apps that are made to help one produce stop motion video.

Without knowing the nuances of such things, I just downloaded the highest rated one I could find, watched a quick tutorial, and then threw the video at the top of the article together in a few minutes between stirs of our warming soup lunch.

It’s pretty rough… and low res… and the app watermark is on there–since remedied by buying their pro version, which wasn’t prohibitively expensive, particularly considering how much entertainment it would be bringing to both me and the kiddo (while I suspect her mom/my wife will have to endure the fruits of our labour)–but it was a pleasing result regardless, considering the grand total of perhaps five minutes I’d put into it, tutorial included.

As expected, my daughter took to the new creative outlet with gusto once I got the app on our spare/music/her game phone, and as of bedtime tonight she had shot two videos featuring an underwater Lego set (largely previously put together by communal effort, as luck would have it) and had narrated one of them. There understandably isn’t much Oscar buzz about her work–nay, oeuvre–yet, but it’s still early days.

And in the mean time, I’m sure to be exploring and discovering new things with stop motion, too. After all, whether it’s spinning spatulas or creating Lego adventures, kids can’t have all the fun.