A couple of Christmases back I received a little set of photo lenses that clip onto my cell phone, and while I haven’t used them a ton–a fisheye lens, while cool in its own wonky way, isn’t an everyday kind of photo accessory for me–a recent rainy day offered a great opportunity to give the macro lens a chance to stand out.
And stand out it did.
Take a look at some recent photos for a few super close-ups of raindrops on our garden flowers. I didn’t know if I’d find anything of particular appeal, but I was really happy with the way some of the shots turned out.
Clicking on the pics zooms way in, which unfortunately shows off the somewhat low res that uploads are required to be, but if you’d care to see the full-sized version (generally 4032×2268 pixels), let me know through the usual channels or give me a shout through my About page.