A big chunk of January was spent finishing off Y.S. Lee’s The Agency series (well worth your time if that genre is your thing, or perhaps even if it isn’t), but I squeaked in a couple of others as well.
Zeroes – Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti
The Agency: The Body at the Tower – Y.S. Lee
The Agency: The Traitor in the Tunnel – Y.S. Lee
The Agency: Rivals in the City – Y.S. Lee
2,000 to 10,000 – Rachel Aaron
Started and stopped
Swarm – Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti
Space Runners: The Moon Platoon – Jeramy Kraatz
I had picked up the second and third Zeroes books by Westerfeld et al, but Swarm (Zeroes #2) lost me early, saving me the time.
Different books I put down and walk away from can bump me for various reasons. This one had a bizarre enough 180 twist from the first book that it was too much for me to buy into, so I moved on.
2,000 to 10,000 is a successful writer’s guide for the step-by-step process she used to push her daily word count to new heights. I figured I could do worse than picking up some pointers, and I’m glad I did. She’s got some solid approaches in there that I’m looking forward to using once I get through some heavy editing in my current project and get back to writing it again where I left off.
Are you reading anything interesting? I’m always open to suggestions and, as with The Agency, am learning that I can really enjoy genres I’d never found particularly appealing before. Please feel free to share in the comments.