What I read this month

Well, that’s more like it.

I got a lot more read this month–dare I say, a more typical amount for me–than I have of late, home reno time-suck be damned. One of the titles was the first Skullduggery Pleasant, which was a re-read from a couple of years back purely in order to gear up for finally getting through the other twelve books of the series. I’ll be breaking it up with other books (and likely comics) to keep things fresh.

Tristran Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky – Kwame Mbalia
Skullduggery Pleasant – Derek Landy
The Storm Runner – J.C. Cervantes

Started and stopped
Cylcopedia Exotica – Aminder Dhaliwal
Dragon Ops – Mari Mancusi
All the Stars and Teeth – Adalyn Grace

A Few Short Sentences About Writing – Verlyn Klinkenborg
We Learn Nothing – Tim Kreider

Tristan Strong and The Storm Runner were both firsts of their own sets (or of at least two), as well. But while they were entertaining–very Rick Riordan-flavoured, which may be part of why they’ve been published under the Rick Riordan Presents banner–neither gripped me enough to want to keep reading more about the same characters. Skullduggery, however, is a different matter entirely.

I can’t recall who recommended Skullduggery Pleasant, but a tip of the cap to you. It’s engagingly written and has enough of the right kind of humour to make me want more. Which is good news for an author who wrote a 13-book series.

We’re approaching the home stretch on the reno, and my teacherwife and studentdaughter are both headed back to school next week. All things considered, it’ll be interesting to see how much reading time I can manage in September.

Fingers crossed for plenty of time for it and plenty to recommend.