What I read this month

It was a slower month than January, reading-wise, but I’ve certainly done worse.

The bulk of it was still dominated by humour material from Simon Rich, with some solid work by Carl Hiaasen mixed in for a little weird Florida mystery fun.

Free-Range Chickens – Simon Rich
Bad Monkey – Carl Hiaasen
Ant Farm – Simon Rich
Spoiled Brats – Simon Rich

Razor Girl – Carl Hiaasen

Spoiled Brats was easily my least favourite Simon Rich book of the several I’ve now read. It had a few much longer pieces than what I’d thought was his frequently super short style–Spoiled Brats had stories that were north of 50 pages each, whereas I think it was either Chickens or Ant Farm that had most that were 2-3 pages and a few under a single full page–and they were more emotional than funny, per se. They were well done, just not what I had come to expect from his other material.

Meanwhile, Razor Girl turns out to be the followup to Bad Monkey, which I didn’t expect but am pleased to find, as I liked the main character in Bad Monkey.

Plenty more reading is on the horizon in between ongoing housework, dizzying paperwork, and the hunt for work-work.
