Bit of an odd month. I not only forgot to track what I was reading in April (very weird), but I’m pretty sure I actually completed reading… well… zero books. Which is really unusual.
Here’s the thing: I put aside Fire Up Your Writing Brain, which I had started in March, in order to read A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers (a different series than one of hers I had started and loved), which I was able to get as an e-book from the library. Then my plans to dive head-first into Psalm got put on the back burner by a book called WinterFrost by Michelle Houts, that my daughter enjoyed and that she wanted me to read, but that I just couldn’t get into. I put that one aside and finally got into Psalm, and as with my experience with Chambers’s first book, I’m all in. That’s led to a minor revelation which I’ll save for another blog post.
Combined with all that, I finally got some significant work hours over the last couple of weeks because Covid protocols are lifting enough that conventions, etc., can start up here again, and that’s the bread and butter of the staffing services company I’ve been with for years. But this one home show that was on (if you’re looking for anything inside or outside or about your house to make life easier or more fun for yourself, complete with reno ideas, or even if you’re building a house from scratch, this is the kind of show you’d want to attend) had some pretty lengthy, sometimes late hours. Which will go well to paying some bills but of course wasn’t conducive to reading anything.
So I’m still working through Fire Up Your Writing Brain–it’s not a straight-forward read but is instead about learning, complete with full-on exercises at the end of some chapters, so I suspect I may be working at that for a short while yet–started and stopped one book this month, and am currently reading another one that I’m eating up. Which all equals, as my initial math had concluded, zero books read this month.
Hopefully I’ll be able to get to more reading in May. And if not, I at least hope that the reading has been slowed down by more (dare I say, regular) work.