Author: Reay
Read this book
A needed background primer on me and clutter: I’ve long had a mixed relationship with housecleaning, in that I a) don’t do it remotely often or thor...
What I read this month
The shine of diving head and feet into new, unknown graphic novels wore off a fair bit this month when the handful of recent ones that I picked up at my local l...
Update that will shock no one: Tech still hates me
For the love of god. I got in touch with Apple support via chat late this morning to ask what I thought was a simple issue that I was getting run around about w...
A razor’s edge from chaos
As I write this, there are digital outages across the country affecting millions of people and a ton of businesses, because Rogers, one of the big three telecom...
On why the left lean
I lean left politically. That will mean different things in different countries, so to clarify: As a sweeping generalization and with the understanding that the...
What I read this month
A busy month, reading-wise, though the vast bulk of it was graphic novels. I fell into something of a rabbit hole, just checking out the early (sometimes all) v...
Update on worlds colliding
I wrote last week about reading the first twenty pages of a graphic novel called Undiscovered Country that had a crazy amount of the same content as the thrust ...
Tiny bird update
I finally heard back from the animal refuge where we had taken Fiadh–they’re understandably slammed with work and replying to people inquiring about...
When worlds collide
Well, crap. I mentioned at the top of the year that I had finished the first draft of my first novel. Cut to yesterday, when I started reading a graphic novel I...