What I read this month
Being the early Doggo Times, even without a lot of work happening, I haven’t had a lot of time to read — or to post anything… regular readers ...
Being the early Doggo Times, even without a lot of work happening, I haven’t had a lot of time to read — or to post anything… regular readers ...
It’s no secret among family and friends that my income has been… let’s call it “tight” for a while. I’m ready, willing and a...
I’ve been remiss in updating my website the last several weeks. It’s largely because this happened on April 20th… After years of discussing ge...
Hey, you know how Facebook (now called Meta) makes a fourtune from selling oceans of highly detailed, extremely personal data about each of its users to adverti...
I’m the first to admit I’m a slow reader. Painfully slow, sometimes. Slow enough that I’ve lost count of how many What I Read This Month posts...
I struggled with making myself work on this book idea more than any other idea in recent memory. I had the core idea for a while, and started filling it out as ...
It’s been… let’s call it an interesting few weeks. Back in mid-February, we were visiting friends in Florida. The day after we arrived, I woke...
You know those occasions when you look at a new block of time — a day off of work, a week away from school, the new month of a new year — and just h...
I recently mentioned I was going to try to get into some intermittent fasting. Yeah… well… no. Or at least, what I have managed to do hasn’t g...
A couple of weeks back, at least one of my passwords was hacked. Luckily, I was saved by 2FA. What does that mean? Ok, let me back up. For some time now, I̵...