Top 10 books of 2023
I didn’t get as much read as I wanted to this year. But arguably I never do.In no particular order, here are my top picks for what I read over the last tw...
I didn’t get as much read as I wanted to this year. But arguably I never do.In no particular order, here are my top picks for what I read over the last tw...
Not as busy a year, music-listening-wise, as I’m used to. But I still added 53 songs to various playlists. As per usual, my top picks from that list aren&...
Some months back, I noticed more and more people I follow on Mastodon were commenting, or forwarding posts of others, on how they’ve noticed warnings on Y...
I recently recommended a book I was reading about a new take — or at least, a take now getting a bit more attention — about how bodies do what they ...
No books finished this month, sadly. In dealing with typically working seven days a week, and the unexpectedly hectic and involved process that is high school a...
Like all things we wish would stay around, those that become solid streaks eventually end. So it is with my run of several years of doing something creative eve...
A month of finishing a long-term book and starting a couple of others with very different appeal. ReadSavage Sword of Conan compendium(!) ReadingBird Box –...
There are times I love innovation for what it does and provides. But I really love innovation that isn’t just to make something new and useful but that ac...
A decent month as far as reading (and listening to books) went. ReadNoir – Christopher Moore (audio book)The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind –...