Tiny drumroll, please…
As promised, here are my reading lists for August through to October. I don’t know if the September/October list is actually exhaustive, but it’s al...
As promised, here are my reading lists for August through to October. I don’t know if the September/October list is actually exhaustive, but it’s al...
I realized a couple of months back that I had forgotten to post the books I had read for the month. I’d done the tracking and writing up of the list (the ...
As posted earlier, I definitely find myself more likely to seek out print books than ebooks. The proof was in the pudding yesterday. I found myself in a booksto...
I’m subscribed to a newsletter that provides daily (legit) links to free and cheap ebooks for the Kobo. The problem, I found quickly, is that way more oft...
I don’t generally like non-fiction. I’ve just always preferred the worlds that fiction can take me to over (what I’ve read of) what non-fictio...
As I previously mentioned I may try, I’m foregoing playing games on my phone this month in favour of trying to get more productive feats accomplished. I...
I spend too long on my phone. Many of us can say that, and I’m by no means as bad as some, but I do occasionally get frustrated with myself for spending s...
I won’t spend too long on this because the debate has gone on since ebooks were first introduced, and there’s totally valid points made by both side...
It was a busy month. On the downside, I got through fully half of The Book of M before finally getting bumped enough by issues that I had to walk ...
I realized pretty early on that not all children’s books are equal. There’s everything from excellent to terrible books written for kids. Which should perhaps h...