What I read this month

It’s been a busy month at work, so I’ve gotten to read less than I had hoped. Which, mind you, is pretty much par for the course any month. So it go...

Read this book

A needed background primer on me and clutter: I’ve long had a mixed relationship with housecleaning, in that I a) don’t do it remotely often or thor...

What I read this month

The shine of diving head and feet into new, unknown graphic novels wore off a fair bit this month when the handful of recent ones that I picked up at my local l...

What I read this month

A busy month, reading-wise, though the vast bulk of it was graphic novels. I fell into something of a rabbit hole, just checking out the early (sometimes all) v...

Read this book

I believe this is the first time I’ve doubled down on the work of one particular writer in my Read this book recommendations–I lauded her first book...

What I read this month

May ended up being an unexpected windfall of material to read, and as it was generally pretty quick to get through, I made good headway with it. I was in a libr...