Top 10 favourite books of 2021
Another pretty good year for books, despite renos I’ve written about and a pandemic you may have heard of. In the chronology of how I read them, here are ...
Another pretty good year for books, despite renos I’ve written about and a pandemic you may have heard of. In the chronology of how I read them, here are ...
As I picked up my ebook again this morning, I realized that I was continuing to read from right where I’d left off… two days ago. I cast my mind bac...
For several years now, my wife and daughter and I have celebrated Jolabokaflod, the Icelandic tradition of giving books to each other on Christmas Eve. The phra...
I’m home. It doesn’t look like it yet–I’d say there’s a solid 85% of our stuff in the house that isn’t where it’s ulti...
It’s been a busy month of hunting things down for the reno and running around and picking up and dropping off and meeting and stress and calls and emails ...
The Murderbot Diaries came up in a few lists I recently read of recommended books. My curiosity finally piqued enough to put myself in queue to wait for it at t...
Is it the end of September already? Wow. Time flies when you’re stressed out about your daughter and wife returning to densely packed classrooms in a pand...
As I’ve told people before, I’m not a big believer in capital-s Signs, but there have been times in my life when chalking weirdly timely events up t...
Well, that’s more like it. I got a lot more read this month–dare I say, a more typical amount for me–than I have of late, home reno time-suck ...
’twas a slow month for reading, with these hot summer days consumed largely by steep learning curves for everything to do with the house reno. Hardwood is...