Happy Jolabokaflod!

For several years now, my wife and daughter and I have celebrated Jolabokaflod, the Icelandic tradition of giving books to each other on Christmas Eve. The phra...

Read this book

The Murderbot Diaries came up in a few lists I recently read of recommended books. My curiosity finally piqued enough to put myself in queue to wait for it at t...

What I read this month

Is it the end of September already? Wow. Time flies when you’re stressed out about your daughter and wife returning to densely packed classrooms in a pand...

Read this book

As I’ve told people before, I’m not a big believer in capital-s Signs, but there have been times in my life when chalking weirdly timely events up t...

What I read this month

Well, that’s more like it. I got a lot more read this month–dare I say, a more typical amount for me–than I have of late, home reno time-suck ...

What I read this month

’twas a slow month for reading, with these hot summer days consumed largely by steep learning curves for everything to do with the house reno. Hardwood is...