What I read this month

A big chunk of January was spent finishing off Y.S. Lee’s The Agency series (well worth your time if that genre is your thing, or perhaps even if it isn&#...

What I read this month

It was an unexpectedly bountiful month to wrap a banner year in reading. It certainly wasn’t without its passes and disappointments–five books start...

What I read this month

ReadThe Dragon Egg Princess – Ellen OhThe Imaginary – A.F. Harrold Started and stoppedEarthsea: A Wizard of Earthsea – Ursula K. Le. GuinThe L...

What I’m reading

I first mentioned Jaron Lanier about six weeks ago, mid-way through my self-imposed month-long social media fast/cleanse. Ten Arguments is his most recent book....

What I read this month

I read a couple of new books in October and got a few more finished up before starting a new one that I think has been sitting and waiting its turn for quite a ...

What I read this month

With a wife who’s a teacher and a grade-school kid, it was a little crazy in the ol’ Jespersen household this month, so I didn’t get as much r...

Read this book

Open Borders is a bold case for opening all borders to immigration, told in a graphic novel-style format. Written by economist Bryan Caplan, it builds upon fact...

What I read this month

It was an unexpectedly bountiful month for reading. Here’s how it broke down: Read:The Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy – Rick RiordanHoot –...