Dictionaries gotta step up their game
I like coming across new words in the material I read. While it can get a bit tiring at times to have to look up, say, a few words a page (*clears throat loudly...
I like coming across new words in the material I read. While it can get a bit tiring at times to have to look up, say, a few words a page (*clears throat loudly...
I’ve occasionally wondered if there are apps to help create stop motion video. Today it hit me again, and this time, rather than allowing my brain to get ...
With the world flipped upside down lately, I totally forgot to post my read books for March at the turn of the calendar page, so here’s the list: The Lisa...
In a shrewd and thoughtful move, House of Anansi Press is currently doing a “Reading Apart Together” promotion where if you buy any ebook for yourse...
I’m in a lottery pool with a couple of family members. Nothing much, just an arrangement where we each spend $5 a week on some flavour of lottery and we s...
ProtonMail! After running a few tests with some family and friends in my search for some digital privacy, ProtonMail edged out the only real competition it had ...
I use Gmail, and have for maybe a couple of decades, or whenever it became common enough that its initial, exclusive invite-only clique had run its course and t...
My wife and I were a bit surprised when our daughter announced after school this past Friday that it was National Day of Unplugging between Friday at 6pm and Sa...
As posted earlier, I definitely find myself more likely to seek out print books than ebooks. The proof was in the pudding yesterday. I found myself in a booksto...
My wife and I saw Spider-Man: Far From Home yesterday. It was good (although for this movie-goer’s money, not as good as Spider-Man: Homecoming), but the ...