On creating your own niche
It’s no secret among family and friends that my income has been… let’s call it “tight” for a while. I’m ready, willing and a...
It’s no secret among family and friends that my income has been… let’s call it “tight” for a while. I’m ready, willing and a...
I struggled with making myself work on this book idea more than any other idea in recent memory. I had the core idea for a while, and started filling it out as ...
I’ve talked previously about how I listen when I get Signs from, for lack of a less new-agey term, the universe. And… well… they’re happ...
I’ve been mentioning over the last couple of months how inspired I’ve been while reading Telling Lies for Fun & Profit by Lawrence Block. I̵...
I’ve got a new idea for a story. This isn’t unusual. This isn’t unusual for this year or this month or even this week. I get new ideas for sto...
I recently finished writing my first novel. I have a tendency, once I’ve finished the first draft of a large project, to shelve it for a bit before I look...
I wrote last week about reading the first twenty pages of a graphic novel called Undiscovered Country that had a crazy amount of the same content as the thrust ...
Well, crap. I mentioned at the top of the year that I had finished the first draft of my first novel. Cut to yesterday, when I started reading a graphic novel I...
As of this weekend, I’ve broken 200 pages on my project of humourous stories and observations. That is, to be clear, 200 pages as they’d appear in a...