What I read this month

As I’m having some sporadic issues uploading photos–and honestly it’s probably close to as fast for me to just type this up anyway–I’m trying a new approach with this list and writing it out here instead of posting a photo of my phone’s screen shot that takes a few steps to get onto here anyway….

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From the mouths of babes

I’ve written previously about the importance, as I’ve been reminding myself, of finishing creative projects I start. There are times that it’s easy. (Hello, handful of haiku about some inspiring or topical experiences.) And there are times when it just isn’t going to happen, at least not in that form not now. (Hello, first novel…

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Isolation Day 64 Game: Lord of the Fries

In Lord of the Fries, players are employees at a chain of zombie-operated fast food restaurants. One menu from a variety is selected for all players to play from, and players must use their dealt cards–a variety of simplified fast food components such as “Bun”, “Fries”, “Cow”, “Bird”, “Drink”, etc.–to piece together the food order…

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Isolation Day 63 Game: Rhino Hero

Rhino Hero is a fun, quick and unusual tabletop game, in that it stacks upward instead of spreading out on a table. Players are dealt cards that act as ceiling/roof dividers, and they take turns laying a card on top of upright “walls”, a communal stack of squares folded in the middle to allow you…

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What I’m reading

The Adventurers Guild is one of those books where I’d expected one thing–not so much a judging a book by its cover, per se, but more like judging it by the genre (young reader’s fantasy… roger that)–but it turned out to be way more than I’d thought it would be. The story itself is solid.Everyone…

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Microfiction contest, round one

I’ve done a number of contests through the NYC Midnight organization, including short stories and short scripts. Just over an hour ago (midnight NYC time, not coincidentally) we received the assignments for their latest contest: 100-word microfiction stories that are to be completed in twenty-four hours. What the NYC crew does is randomly places the…

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