And the winner is…

ProtonMail! After running a few tests with some family and friends in my search for some digital privacy, ProtonMail edged out the only real competition it had in Tutanota. Not by much, mind you. The feedback I got included that the interface seemed a bit more updated, but it wasn’t a huge difference. It was…

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Isolation Day 12 Game: Tsuro

We love board games in our household, and never have time to play them as much as we’d like to. Or rather, we hadn’t had time until a certain pandemic you may’ve heard of pushed everyone–at least, in countries whose governments grasped the science… *ahem*–isolating away from workplaces and schools and being indoors at home…

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What I’m reading

**HERE THERE BE WEE SPOILERS*** I’ve was finally getting around to reading Wanderers by Chuck Wendig, and was really enjoying it but then a couple of things happened. First, the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Not full-on at first for us here in North America, as we all know, but it was clearly spreading farther and farther…

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