What I’m reading

**HERE THERE BE WEE SPOILERS*** I’ve was finally getting around to reading Wanderers by Chuck Wendig, and was really enjoying it but then a couple of things happened. First, the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Not full-on at first for us here in North America, as we all know, but it was clearly spreading farther and farther…

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Sleepy squirrel?

This little guy has been about six feet away from my daughter’s window for over half an hour now. He seems to be all right–breathing and moving around, and such–but I’ve never seen one so content to just hang out like this anywhere before, let alone atop a narrow bit of latticework fence. Having been…

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In search of some digital privacy

I use Gmail, and have for maybe a couple of decades, or whenever it became common enough that its initial, exclusive invite-only clique had run its course and the “in-people” had a ton of invites they could just throw around freely. And it’s been good, for the most part. It’s pretty intuitive and lets me…

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National Day of Unplugging

My wife and I were a bit surprised when our daughter announced after school this past Friday that it was National Day of Unplugging between Friday at 6pm and Saturday at 6pm. So said her principal among that morning’s announcements, anyway. The point of the Day is to get people off their electronic devices and…

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More reading, less counting

For the last couple of years, I’ve been not only tracking and posting what books I read from month to month, but also keeping an annual count those books. I was happy to see a big jump in that count from 2018 to 2019. But while I hope to read even more this year, I’ve…

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