The acid test of book format preferences

As posted earlier, I definitely find myself more likely to seek out print books than ebooks. The proof was in the pudding yesterday. I found myself in a bookstore, which is never a bad thing. The item I was looking for wasn’t available, though, so there I was left in a bookstore (unsupervised, dangerously) with…

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Read this book

I’m subscribed to a newsletter that provides daily (legit) links to free and cheap ebooks for the Kobo. The problem, I found quickly, is that way more often than not, the books that I’d get from those links turned out to be… let’s be kind by saying “not so good”. So while it’s not unusual…

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Losing weight

I’ve had a lifelong issue with being heavier than I’d like. Probably heavier than is healthy, though I read some time ago that people who have about 10% more weight than their BMI suggests they should be tend to be healthier and live longer. Oh, and did I read that it turns out the BMI…

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Squirrels like cookies

We found out a new thing recently. I kind of spoiled it in the header (and also that photo), but just act like you don’t know anyway for the big reveal: Squirrels like cookies. Or at least, oatmeal raisin cookies. I picked some up this weekend and added it to the coffee table Jackie had…

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Tough gig

I am perhaps dating myself when I admit that we have a land line phone in our house. It was initially a safety net, because Jackie and I were with a lacklustre cell phone service–I won’t say the company name for not wanting to ruffle any legal feathers, but let’s just say it rhymes with…

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Screen-X can go away

My wife and I saw Spider-Man: Far From Home yesterday. It was good (although for this movie-goer’s money, not as good as Spider-Man: Homecoming), but the problem I had with it wasn’t so much the movie as the theatre itself. Jackie can’t watch 3D movies. They play with her head too much. So I’ve long…

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Go fly a kite

I’ve found that there are things that I liked doing as a kid that, for whatever reason, I totally forgot about ever enjoying and then rediscovered them accidentally decades later. Flying kites is one of those things. Some years back, my family and I were at one of our many nearby parks that border Lake…

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Take care of yourself

Five or six years ago, my back went out. I’d had occasional issues with it in the past, where it would be sore, or tweak a bit and I’d maybe need to pop a couple of Advil and an ice pack or heating pack and take it easy for a while. The soreness may sometimes…

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