Physical books vs ebooks

I won’t spend too long on this because the debate has gone on since ebooks were first introduced, and there’s totally valid points made by both sides of the dialogue that probably get into granular aspects that wouldn’t even occur to me and like everything everywhere that’s got any subjectivity to it, your proverbial mileage…

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A secret thing

I’ll share details as I can, and it’s frustrating trying to share good news without being able to actually specify much of what that news is, but suffice to say I’ve made a new professional writing connection who’s liked what I’ve pitched him and suggested about other material and he’s bringing me on board with…

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A day of de feet

I don’t have a foot fetish. For quite a while, I thought I did. I mean, nothing extreme. Nothing even necessarily particularly notable. But yeah, there are certain kinds of footwear which, when worn on certain women, I find attractive. So I had long thought that it was A Thing for me. But what I’ve…

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What I’m reading

It was a busy month.     On the downside, I got through fully half of The Book of M before finally getting bumped enough by issues that I had to walk away from it. It has an intriguing premise, though, so I want to find a synopsis somewhere that’ll at least fill me in…

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Children’s books that are great

I realized pretty early on that not all children’s books are equal. There’s everything from excellent to terrible books written for kids. Which should perhaps have come as no surprise—why should they be any different than any other books?—but when Laila was born, children’s books quickly became a pretty big part of my life rather…

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What I’m reading

For something over a year, I’ve been posting monthly lists of what books I’ve read, what I started and stopped reading, and what I’m currently reading. Part of it is just to keep track for myself, but since I… y’know… post them to social media, it’s also been intended as a potential conversation starter. Thus…

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El gordito unicornio

We’ve finally hit that brief sweet spot in Toronto weather where the wet snow has stopped—yes, I’m aware it’s late May, but we still had wet snow only a couple of weeks back, because too often here winter can’t keep its goodbyes short and sweet—and it’s getting warm but it isn’t yet stinking hot, which…

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Of loved things broken

Last Father’s Day my daughter gave me a mug that she had painted at a local paint-your-own-ceramics place. It was vibrant and cool and had ladybugs made out of her finger prints and it was messy and handmade and, because it was a personally made gift from my daughter, perfect. Looking, that is. Perfect looking….

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Bike To School Week thoughts

It’s Bike To School Week at my daughter’s school. They do that a couple of times a year, as our sometimes crazy Toronto weather allows for it. On the one hand, I’m all for it. I’m not an outdoorsy, let alone athletic guy, but goddamn, I love to bike. Jackie and I want to get…

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What I’m listening to

Since we finally made the jump to a music streaming service—I was a steadfast CD purchaser until well after things like Apple Music and Spotify were commonplace—we’ve been (ok, I’ve been) going to town with playlists. I have one for commuting to work; there’s one for our daughter (always chasing down new songs she hears…

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