Read this book

I don’t generally like non-fiction. I’ve just always preferred the worlds that fiction can take me to over (what I’ve read of) what non-fiction does for me. I’ve recently had a couple of notable exceptions to that, however. The Library Book by Susan Orlean is one of them. At its core, it tells the story…

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Gaming less is working. Ish.

As I previously mentioned I may try, I’m foregoing playing games on my phone this month in favour of trying to get more productive feats accomplished. I’m currently just over a week into it. My thoughts, in no particular order: It was initially easier than I thoughtMy usual daily game, Marvel PuzzleQuest, is one which…

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The double-edged sword of creativity

I’d say I’m a pretty creative guy, and with a constant head full of ideas for stories (and characters and settings and games and…), I’d also say I’ve benefited from it. So many of the “What if…?” scenarios that have struck me have paid off in stories (etc.) I’m proud of. The flipside of having…

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Middle-aged dog, new tricks

I’ve been writing haiku for something in the range of two decades. Probably more, but without hard evidence of a beginning, trying to pin down the chronology of such a thing has been futile and will almost certainly lead to frustration and potentially madness, so generalizations will need to suffice. And I should clarify that…

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Physical books vs ebooks

I won’t spend too long on this because the debate has gone on since ebooks were first introduced, and there’s totally valid points made by both sides of the dialogue that probably get into granular aspects that wouldn’t even occur to me and like everything everywhere that’s got any subjectivity to it, your proverbial mileage…

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A secret thing

I’ll share details as I can, and it’s frustrating trying to share good news without being able to actually specify much of what that news is, but suffice to say I’ve made a new professional writing connection who’s liked what I’ve pitched him and suggested about other material and he’s bringing me on board with…

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A day of de feet

I don’t have a foot fetish. For quite a while, I thought I did. I mean, nothing extreme. Nothing even necessarily particularly notable. But yeah, there are certain kinds of footwear which, when worn on certain women, I find attractive. So I had long thought that it was A Thing for me. But what I’ve…

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What I’m reading

It was a busy month.     On the downside, I got through fully half of The Book of M before finally getting bumped enough by issues that I had to walk away from it. It has an intriguing premise, though, so I want to find a synopsis somewhere that’ll at least fill me in…

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Children’s books that are great

I realized pretty early on that not all children’s books are equal. There’s everything from excellent to terrible books written for kids. Which should perhaps have come as no surprise—why should they be any different than any other books?—but when Laila was born, children’s books quickly became a pretty big part of my life rather…

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